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  Read a specific line number from a text file.


   file = A string expression with the file name to read from.
   line = An integer expression with the line number to read.

 Return Type & Value
  Returns the specified line number from file.

  It is often convienient to read a specified line number from a file
  without going to all the overhead of opening, reading and closing.  This
  function will open the file in read mode for share deny none access and
  quickly read up to the line number you specify.  If the line you want
  doesn't exist an empty string will be returned.  Additionally, this
  function will remember the last file and line read so that it may
  quickly continue where it left off if you try to read a number of lines
  sequentially from the same file.  Finally, the last file specified will
  remain open until the PPE exits and returns control to PCBoard.

  PRINTLN "This system is running on IRQ ",READLINE(PCBDAT(),158)
  PRINTLN "with a base IO address of ",READLINE(PCBDAT(),159)

See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson